Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i don't know what to do. i feel so down right now. (and have since i found out about my best friend and the infector)

well, this past weekend i went camping with some friends. an ex of mine from 10 yrs ago happens to be friends with my friends boyfriend. all four of us shared one tent, 2 air beds. me and the ex got one bed together.... we both went to bed around the same time. we stay up for a while talking. we ended up making out, got pretty hot and heavy.... and then he wanted to move on farther. i ended up breaking down, and telling him i have herpes. so i couldn't have sex with him. he was awesome. he held me, petted my head, and told me it would be ok. after i stopped crying, we started to talk about the risks, and how to lower the risks. we kissed some more, and went to sleep. he held me most of the night. he made me feel good about myself. my friend hopes me and him get together. lol. who knows. he didn't freak out, but take it slow... and see if there is something there.

well i gotta head to work soonish. so bye for now.

Friday, May 22, 2009

what the fuck is going on?

wow, i found out my best friend, who tried to hook me up with my infector, is now seeing him! she is leaving her husband of 5 yrs, to be with this guy! she says there has been issues between her and her husband for a while now. (yet she has never indicated anything to me) and this is both their choice. she'll talk to me more when she's not driving. i don't know how i feel about all this. but the thing i do know is, i would never go out with the person who infected my best friend with gential herpes. it hasn't been that long. i'm still dealing with this. i don't know how i really feel towards the guy as it is.... so she thinks it's ok to go with him. wow.

and the first shocker for me was this morning. there was this guy i was hanging out with. the last time i was over there( 3 days ago ) we made out, made plans to hang out later in the week. well last night we were supposed to hang out after he got off work. well we never hung out. checked my facebook this morning, and saw he and his ex got back together. i guess they re kindled things last night. (i'm ok with this, just was a shocker)

well hopefully i will find someone. being single is fun and all, but i'm sick of it. one day......(sigh)

i guess i will let you all go for now. bye!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


can things be any more boring! it seems i have no life. all i do is work, eat, toke, sleep.... repeat. there's got to be more than this. it's like i'm stuck in this place. and why? because. that's why. i finally have a job where i can take time off, and not worry about it. and yet here i am, sitting at my computer, writing a blog no one reads.

and i still have next to no love life. the only person i can get any physical interaction would be the infector. (the person who gave me herpes) how lame is that? i wish things were different. i wish i was the person i was only a few months ago. i don't want to fucking deal with this anymore! but i really have no choice. (well i guess i could always just off myself) i think this has been the roughest time of my life. it's supposed to get better. (not the physical, the emotional) i feel like i should be over this, i shouldn't be upset. i should shut up and deal. but i really don't know how. i don't have anyone to talk to about this. to my friends, i'm ok. i'm dealing well. but inside, i feel so empty. all i want to do is get stoned, and pretend this isn't my life. how fucked up is that? really? drug induced happiness..... fucked up.

well, i'm all depressing, so i'm just going to shut up for now.

Friday, May 1, 2009

womenhood sucks!

yeah, having peroids sucks! the cramps, headaches, bloating.... enough said.

but all in all, today has been a good day. i got out of work at 12:30pm. today was pay day. paid all my bills, got some happiness in a bag..... going grocery shopping soonish. it's nice out side, so i biked to planned parenthood, and just all over actually. my legs ache a bit from this. (but it's a good ache)

well, i'm pretty sure "jay" is out of the picture. i haven't heard from him in almost a week and a half, i see that's he's been online, and leaves me emails left unread. so whatever. i guess i'm happy i didn't tell him anything..... could destroy my whole online dating. lol. i think i'll just give up for now, be happy as i am. i'll come across the right guy soon enough.

so yeah, my kitten doesn't understand that i don't want her on my lap. i just pushed her down like 4 times, and now she's sitting by my chair, glaring at me. lol.... cats are funny.

end of story....bye for now