Monday, April 28, 2014

it's been a while....

Well it's been a long time... wow. well no longer at the child care i was. i was there for 3 months before they decided that i wasn't what they were looking for. went to a mixed aged one room child care for 2 yrs. they just recently closed due to lack of money. now i'm at a center that has been in sheboygan for 26 yrs. i'm the lead teacher in the infant room. i'm loving it. and happy that i found this place.

march 8, i had to put down my beloved cat poof. he had a blood clot blocking the blood flow to his lower body. i had him since he was born 7 yrs ago. he was my fuzzy love, and i miss him so much! even after a month and half... it still seems weird to come home and not hear him, or see him. everyone else (marvin and my other cats) seemed to move on and find a normal life without him, but i haven't. he was the one cat who would always come to me when called, he knew when i was upset and would provide me comfort. he was the only one who loved hand play, and still would play with his tail (@ 7yrs old) he was a little off, and kind of dumb, but a great cat, pet, and member of my family.

now that i'm all teary eyed.... marvin and i have reached 4 1/2 yrs. together. not sure where it's all going, we talked of life in our later years, we talked about children, how we want to raise them, where would we live, what schools.... but he really doesn't know where he is going in life. for the last year, he has been unemployed, playing computer games, and not trying for anything. he claimed to be depressed, and had an injury.... i put an end to that, he got a job as a taxi driver were my mom works. that's been 2 weeks now. and life has been getting a little better. still hoping he's the one, and that all works out with us...

other than that, not much in life going on. (well there has been, but i'm not in the mood to go over the last 2 years of events tonight)