Tuesday, July 28, 2009

fuck fuck fuck!

well, i haven't wrote in a while. but then, nothing has been going on really. (and i'm sure no one reads this)

so.... still have not had a second out break! thank God! (and knock on wood...lol) i got my lip pierced with my best friend. (it's fucking hot!) started talking to "jay" again. (he still knows nothing about my herpes) my mom's adoptive father passed away 2 weeks ago. (i never really knew the man... so i never really considered him my grandpa) other than that... nothing going on.

oh! my ceiling leaks i found out. the apartment above me let their tub over flow... and it all went into my kitchen. that was sunday... and i'm still cleaning out water. why they didn't shut off the water when they realized that the tub was not draining is beyond me. but it pissed me off a lot... and my landlord has not called me back yet. bitch!

well, i guess this is where i'm going to let off for now. so bye for now.....